Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Artist First Interview for Tak tse Profit

Artist First Interview of  Tak tse Profit

Tuesday night the 8th of March 2016, the Tak tse Profit was the subject of a Live radio interview on
Artist First Radio Network.  Though he was aware that the interview had been scheduled he was completely unaware of what questions he would be asked and of how long the interview would last.

The scheduled interview was performed and broadcast live on FM radio and on the internet: another fact he was unaware of before the interview began.  The subject of course was his book titled 
Etiam Tu: Eradicating Hatred which he had spent the last 9+ years producing. Click here to listen to the recording. 

The Show, carried on Artist First radio network may be the first of many future shows to come as the Tak tse Profit continues his work marketing Etiam Tu: Eradicating Hatred 

and continues defining the Etiam Tu Philosophy with his subsequent books. The interviewer based his questions on the synopsis provided on the website as depicted below

Finally, the Tak tse Profit provided information on how readers could contact him through his blog site at Etiam Tu book series ,
his face book page with excerpts released during the year preceding submitting it to the publisher
thru his Twitter feed where he is active daily. He is always interested in interacting
with his brothers and sisters in the human race.

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